Maison Germanier

07.11.2025 → 08.03.2026

In 2025, the Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts of the City of Lausanne (mudac) will give Swiss designer Kévin Germanier carte blanche to take over the museum with the same originality and creativity that have characterised his approach to fashion for several years.

Kévin Germanier

Germanier is a lead­ing figure in contem­por­ary fash­ion, combin­ing innov­a­tion with sustain­ab­il­ity and haute couture in designs that have taken the world by storm. Today, he embod­ies a revival in which creativ­ity is fuelled by envir­on­mental issues. The exhib­i­tion dedic­ated to his work is a unique oppor­tun­ity to celeb­rate his talent while rais­ing public aware­ness of the ecolo­gical chal­lenges facing the fash­ion industry.

Trained at London’s pres­ti­gi­ous Cent­ral Saint Martins, Germanier has made a name for himself with his innov­at­ive approach. His collab­or­a­tions with inter­na­tional celebrit­ies such as Lady Gaga and Beyoncé bear witness to the impact of his work and the unique­ness of his style. His designs combine vibrant colour palettes, futur­istic shapes, and recycled mater­i­als, affirm­ing a vision of fash­ion that is inclus­ive and forward-look­ing.

Kévin Germanier

© Keystone / Jean-Christophe Bott

Creat­ive process

The aim is not to offer visit­ors a retro­spect­ive of the designer, who has just turned 30, but a current over­view of the concerns that run through his work. By trans­form­ing salvaged mater­i­als, such as unused fabrics and discarded beads, he shows that sustain­ab­il­ity and eleg­ance can coex­ist. At a time when the fash­ion industry is often criti­cised for its ecolo­gical impact, Germanier proves that altern­at­ive systems of produc­tion such as upcyc­ling can help rein­vent our rela­tion­ship with consump­tion. In addi­tion to his creations, Germanier also acts as a cultural ambas­sador for Switzer­land, help­ing to high­light his coun­try’s innov­a­tion in fash­ion. This exhib­i­tion is an oppor­tun­ity to spot­light Switzer­land’s grow­ing place on the inter­na­tional creat­ive scene and to encour­age a new gener­a­tion of design­ers to adopt innov­at­ive and respons­ible approaches.

The exhib­i­tion

The immers­ive and educa­tional exhib­i­tion will enable visit­ors to discover iconic Germanier pieces, inter­act­ive present­a­tions on his creat­ive process, and lectures on the future of sustain­able fash­ion, provid­ing an inspir­ing, thought­ful, and enga­ging exper­i­ence. By paying trib­ute to Kévin Germanier, this carte blanche will actively contrib­ute to a more respons­ible fash­ion industry, show­cas­ing Swiss innov­a­tion on the inter­na­tional stage, while convey­ing a message of hope and change.

Défilé Germanier automne-hiver 2024-2025, Les Epineuses

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Défilé Germanier automne-hiver 2024-2025, Les Epineuses

© All rights reserved

Curators Kévin Germanier Rafaël Santianez
Exhibition design Magali Conus

Main partner of mudac