The Most Beautiful Swiss Books of the year 2004

26.10.2005 → 12.02.2006
Competition of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture

As the venue for the autumn exhib­i­tion Most Beau­ti­ful Swiss Books in French-speak­ing Switzer­land, the mudac gives French-speak­ing visit­ors a chance to famil­i­ar­ise them­selves with the current situ­ation in Swiss book creation. The exhib­i­tion, organ­ised by the Swiss Federal Culture Office (OFC), gives an over­view of the work of graphic artists, print­ers and publish­ers in Switzer­land and reveals contem­por­ary tastes and research in book produc­tion. 33 books published in 2004 were honoured. It is grat­i­fy­ing to see numer­ous text-based books among the winners. The install­a­tion was designed by the Lausanne archi­tect Blaise Sahy, while the cata­logue was produced by Laurent Benner (REALA).