The Most Beautiful Swiss Books of the year 2000

18.09.2001 → 06.01.2002
Carton d'invitation de l'exposition es plus beaux livres suisses de l'année 2000
Competition of the Swiss Federal Office of Culture

The compet­i­tion The Most Beau­ti­ful Swiss Books is from now on organ­ised by the art and design section of the Federal Office of Culture (OFC). The aim of the award is to promote book design in Switzer­land and raise atten­tion on the best produc­tions. Since last year, the selec­ted titles are presen­ted in two exhib­i­tions, one in Zurich at the begin­ning of Summer and the second in Lausanne in the Fall. Of the 317 public­a­tions received in 2000, the jury has selec­ted 35 books as The Most Beau­ti­ful Swiss Books of the year 2000, chiefly on concep­tual criteria.