Gods and men in ancient Egypt

01.03.2003 → 31.12.2005
Jacques-Édouard Berger collection, Egypt sector

The Jacques-Édou­ard Berger Collec­tion contains a number of Egyp­tian pieces, not all of which can be shown at the same time. In the frame­work of this second present­a­tion, several themes have been defined. These are illus­trated by objects dating from the Old King­dom to the New King­dom, from the low period or the Greco-Roman era: daily life, funer­ary trap­pings, writ­ing, the gods, the king and his family, dignit­ar­ies, and reliefs

and paint­ings (details of friezes or paint­ings on stucco). This selec­tion of objects, chosen by Giusep­pina Lenzo Marchese and Emmanuelle Harsch, gives a varied insight into Egyp­tian customs at differ­ent peri­ods and offers pieces that have not previ­ously been exhib­ited.