From Hand to Hand

02.07 → 05.10.2008
Vue de l'exposition De main à main
Passing on skill and knowledge in European contemporary jewellery

Via a selec­tion of jewellery by European creat­ors, From Hand to Hand seeks to define the bonds that are created between teach­ers and pupils and what is involved in passing on a skill or know­ledge. What influ­ences have the profess­ors had on their pupils? What do they hope to pass on? What have their pupils retained of this?

The exhib­i­tion shows works by 58 jewellery-makers of 3 gener­a­tions who have emerged from 10 schools in vari­ous coun­tries: Germany, Spain, Finland, France, Great Britain, Italy, Neth­er­lands, Portugal and Switzer­land. Some of the jewellery pieces are also shown being worn by means of black-and-white photo­graphs taken by students of the Ecole de Photo­graphie in Vevey (CEPV).

Vue de l'exposition De main à main
Vue de l'exposition De main à main
Vue de l'exposition De main à main
Vue de l'exposition De main à main
Vue de l'exposition De main à main