Contemporary glass art collection

28.03 → 28.03.2025
Permanent exhibition

The mudac contem­por­ary glass art collec­tion has more than 600 works. The museum space that houses it shows a part of this collec­tion. This selec­tion allows to discover works by European and Japan­ese glass artists such as Bert Frijns (NL), Bern­ard Dejonghe (FR), Stan­islav Libensky and Jaroslava Brychtova (CZ), Elias Bohu­mil Jr. (CZ), Niyoko Ikuta (JP) or Kira Weber (CH) and Matteo Gonet (CH). The perman­ent exhib­i­tion allows to get acquain­ted with works of renowned artists and also to appre­hend vari­ous tech­niques related to contem­por­ary glass art. Sculp­tures, light­ing and neon lights will punc­tu­ate the rhythm of your visit under the impress­ing wooden struc­ture of the mudac’s second floor.