
29.06.2016 → 14.01.2018
Colorful selection from the contemporary glass art collection

Colour is not an intrinsic prop­erty of matter but the result of the reflec­tion or refrac­tion of light by the objects that surround us. It is thus the result of the inter­ac­tion between light and matter. Coloured glass absorbs certain wave- lengths of white light and then reflects a certain light spec­trum, recre­at­ing in the view­er’s eye the colour chosen by the artist.

Chro­matic celeb­rates colour through mudac’s contem­por­ary glass collec­tion by present­ing a selec­tion of pieces in attract­ive hues. The exhib­its also reveal a rich array of shapes and tech­niques, as well as the work of well-known glass makers.

Inspired by the colour wheel of the Swiss painter and teacher Johannes Itten, the exhib­i­tion immerses visit­ors into a colour­ful sens­ory universe. Contrast, comple­ment­ar­ity and primary colour, hot and cold, are some of the themes of this colour­ful exhib­i­tion.

Mind your eyes, colour ahead!

Artists: Jean Arp, Lubomir Artzt, Jacqueline Badord, Philip Bald­win & Monica Guggis­berg, Thomas Blank, Sydney Cash, Bern­ard Citroën, Dan Dailey, Salvador Dali, Laura de Santil­lana, Jean-Pierre Demar­chi, Pierre Dmitri­enko, Jodoc Elmi­ger, Matteo Gonet, Claude Goutin, Milan Handl, Camille Jacobs, Valérie Jacque­met, Marian Karel, Stan­islav Libensky & Jaroslava Brychtova, Harvey K. Littleton, Steven Michael Mccar­roll, Barbara Nanning, Jr. Bret­is­lav Novak, Yann Oulevay, Mark Peiser, Bruno Peinado, Gaetano Pesce, Tobias Rehber­ger, Maurice Ruche, Gernot Schluifer, Paul Seide, Denji Takeu­chi, Vladi­mir Tom, Jozef Tomecko, Kunit­aro Uchida, Tora Urup, Durk Valkema, Ales Vasicek, Frantisek Vizner, Claude Wetz­sein, Jeff Zimmer­man.

The exhib­i­tion is prolonged until 14 Janu­ary 2018 (with the excep­tion of four artworks).

Vue de l'exposition Chromatique
Vue de l'exposition Chromatique
Kosmosphaera, Matteo Gonet, Valérie Jacquemet, Jodoc Elmiger, 2015