Autant-Lara. A film-maker against everybody

12.06 → 22.09.2002
Affiche de l'exposition Autant-Lara. Un cinéaste contre tous

In 1996, Claude Autant-Lara (1901–2000) bequeathed his entire personal archives to the Cinémathèque suisse (Swiss Film Library). Active for half a century, Autant-Lara was a shin­ing light of French cinema in the 1940s–1950s, the golden age of studio cinema and of its major stars. He there­fore was acquain­ted with, rubbed shoulders with or attacked all of France’s celeb­rated creat­ive figures of the era.

Consequently, a complete selec­tion of French artistic creations is repres­en­ted through corres­pond­ence, a myriad of photos, posters, gouaches and sketches of sets and costumes, scripts and work plans illus­trat­ing the vari­ous stages of the “craft­ing” of films such as Devil in the Flesh (1947), The Red Inn (1951), Wheat grass (1953), Scar­let and Black (1954), Cross­ing Paris (1956), Love is My Profes­sion (1958) and Thou shalt not kill (1961).