Recent acquisitions

20.10 → 26.12.2004

Since it opened in the year 2000, the mudac has acquired glass works, ceram­ics, jewellery and prints to supple­ment the collec­tions of the Musée des arts décor­at­ifs. The buying policy has been clari­fied, and a partic­u­lar effort made in the area of young Swiss creativ­ity, in order to ensure that contem­por­ary design in all its forms is docu­mented in our collec­tions.

In a two-stage programme, the first exhib­i­tion in autumn 2004 will present design and glass works. The second part, sched­uled for autumn 2005, will be devoted to ceram­ics, jewellery and prints. This exhib­i­tion is an oppor­tun­ity to show the public the choices that have been made during the first four years of the mudac’s activ­it­ies. It will also allow us to pay trib­ute to our patrons as well as our author­it­ies, both of whom place an annual budget at our disposal for the purchase of works.