Mani­festo Soleil·s

1, 2, 3 … Soleil·s

1 Let us nourish ourselves with life (sun) and not with death (fossils)
2 Let us each find our place under the sun
3 Let us dance the refrain, for whatever happens we revolve around it …

© 2025 Astrostrom GmbH


What you’ll see, you’ll see! A non-binary computer getting lost in the forest; muscu­lar bodies; solar panels bowing to archi­tects; algae want­ing to contrib­ute to trans­itions; plates unfold­ing a treat­ise on polit­ical economy; beach magazine covers; solar design objects; graphs with peaks and plat­eaus; people running naked in the moun­tains; a life-anti­cip­a­tion capsule; a machine that makes furniture based on the weather; an antenna from the Cantonal Office of the Right to Day; char­ac­ters to chat with about suffi­ciency; gods in comic strips; a sun in the shape of a tapestry! The sun is an abso­lute. Here, we approach it in its diversity, in its abil­ity to trans­form the world and gener­ate new worlds.

From the spring equi­nox to the autumn equi­nox, mudac invites you to bathe in suns (yes, suns plural)! Steeped in many creations, illu­min­ated by contem­por­ary issues, this exhib­i­tion rolls out a golden carpet for design­ers, curat­ors, activ­ists, energy providers and research­ers who, in a prac­tical, aesthetic or theor­et­ical way, dethrone the estab­lished stars and show that trans­itions are sexy.

No, ecology is not punit­ive! Trans­form­a­tions can happen in a thou­sand ways: by appeal­ing to diversity rather than submit­ting to facts; by mutat­ing rather than with­draw­ing. In these gloomy times – as biod­iversity declines, as climate disasters increas­ingly devast­ate and recur, as war fronts multiply while demo­cra­cies are called into ques­tion and iden­tit­ies with­draw – we propose find­ing in the rays of the sun that illu­min­ate us all the energy to glimpse other outcomes and collect­ively gener­ate, albeit in diversity, happy and inclus­ive ecolo­gies.

Exhibition curators Scott Longfellow
Rafaël Santianez
Research assistant Letizia Petrino