

Despite the great atten­tion it pays to the accu­racy of the infor­ma­tion publis­hed on this site, mudac cannot assume any respon­si­bi­lity for the accu­racy, time­li­ness and comple­ten­ess of this infor­ma­tion.

mudac expressly reser­ves the right to modify the content of this site in whole or in part, to delete it or to tempo­ra­rily suspend its distri­bu­tion at any time and without prior notice.

mudac cannot be held liable for mate­rial or imma­te­rial dama­ges that may be caused by access to the infor­ma­tion provi­ded or by their use or non-use, by misuse of the connec­tion or by tech­ni­cal problems.

Data protec­tion and privacy

The canto­nal consti­tu­tion (cst-vd: 101.01) and the perso­nal data protec­tion act of 11 septem­ber 2007 (lprd: rsv 172.65) provide that ever­yone has the right to the protec­tion of his or her privacy and to protec­tion against the misuse of perso­nal data. mudac strictly obser­ves these provi­si­ons.

Perso­nal data are trea­ted in complete confi­den­ti­a­lity and are neit­her sold nor commu­ni­ca­ted to third parties. Any poten­tial subcon­trac­tor recei­ves only the data neces­sary for the task entru­s­ted to him/her and is bound by strict confi­den­ti­a­lity requi­re­ments.

When acces­sing our website, the follo­wing data is recor­ded: ip address, date, time, numbe­ring of the brow­ser soft­ware as well as infor­ma­tion gene­rally trans­mit­ted on the opera­ting system or the brow­ser soft­ware. The recor­ding of this data must make it possi­ble to commu­ni­cate it to third parties in the event of fulfil­ment of a legal obli­ga­tion, in parti­cu­lar pursuant to the federal act on the super­vi­sion of postal and tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons corre­spon­dence [lscpt] and its imple­men­ting orders.

Some of these data also allow anony­mous stati­sti­cal evalua­ti­ons to be carried out, in order to iden­tify trends that can be used to improve the offer availa­ble on our website. You can disa­ble this feature via your web brow­ser, by disab­ling the cookie func­tion.


The inter­net server only records usage data that high­light stati­sti­cal trends accor­ding to which we improve our offer (log files).

This website uses google analy­tics, a website analy­sis service provi­ded by google inc. (“google”), head­quar­te­red in the united states of america (1600 amphi­the­a­tre park­way, moun­tain view, ca 94043 united states). Google analy­tics uses cookies. The infor­ma­tion gene­ra­ted by these cookies, such as the time, loca­tion and frequency of your visit to the website or your ip address, is proces­sed by google in the united states.

Google analy­tics uses the infor­ma­tion collec­ted to describe the use of our website through stati­stics and reports.

Google may also trans­fer this infor­ma­tion to third parties where requi­red to do so by law or where such third parties process the infor­ma­tion on google’s behalf. Google analy­tics is commit­ted to comp­ly­ing with euro­pean union data protec­tion regu­la­ti­ons. User and event data are usually stored for only 26 months.

You can disa­ble the use of cookies by selec­ting the appro­pri­ate settings on your brow­ser. Howe­ver, such deac­ti­va­tion may prevent the use of certain featu­res of this site. Depen­ding on the brow­ser you are using, you can also disa­ble google analy­tics by instal­ling an add-on for your brow­ser.

You also have the option to disa­ble or view google’s use of your cookies.

By using this website, you consent to the proces­sing of the above data by google under the condi­ti­ons and for the purpo­ses descri­bed above. This data is only used for this purpose and is not passed on to third parties.

Link to google analy­tics terms and condi­ti­ons:­tics/terms/fr.html

Google adwords and google tag mana­ger

mudac can excep­ti­o­nally use the google adwords and google tag mana­ger services. These services promo­tes mudac services (e. G. Events, etc.)


This site is protec­ted by copy­right. The down­loa­ding and prin­ting of some or all of the texts is in prin­ci­ple allo­wed. Howe­ver, these opera­ti­ons do not entail any trans­fer of rights to the content, in parti­cu­lar, to the images presen­ted.

Any repro­duc­tion, use or modi­fi­ca­tion for public or commer­cial purpo­ses of the copy­righ­ted content is prohi­bi­ted without the permis­sion of the rights holder.

Refe­rences and links

mudac provi­des refe­rences and links to other websi­tes. Access to and use of these sites is at the user’s own risk. The canto­nal autho­ri­ties expressly declare that they have no influ­ence on the form and content of the websi­tes to which they refer. The infor­ma­tion and services offe­red by these sites are enti­rely the respon­si­bi­lity of their authors.

How to disa­ble cookies or shift to private mode : google analy­tics and the use of cookies

Google offers an addi­ti­o­nal module to disa­ble, on your brow­ser, the analy­sis of your beha­vior by google analy­tics. The infor­ma­tion is then no longer trans­mit­ted to google analy­tics. You can also prevent your compu­ter from using your cookies.

disa­ble the use of google analy­tics
disa­ble the use of your cookies

Private brow­sing mode without tracking

Some brow­sers allow you to make a private visit without tracking of the site or sites you visit. For this purpose, you can consult the various opera­ting instruc­ti­ons availa­ble, depen­ding of your brow­ser.

Private brow­sing also inclu­des tracking protec­tion, which prevents compa­nies from tracking your brow­sing history from one site to another.


Subs­cri­bing to our newslet­ter allows you to be kept infor­med of muda­c’s acti­vi­ties in prio­rity. The frequency of the newslet­ter is a maxi­mum of one newslet­ter per month, unless there is an excep­ti­o­nal event.

To send our newslet­ter, we use the emai­ling plat­form mail­chimp. The data collec­ted are stored on the servers of mail­chimp. They are not passed on to third parties. Mail­chimp offers diffe­rent analy­sis possi­bi­li­ties on how the sent newslet­ters are opened and used, for exam­ple the number of users who have recei­ved an e-mail, whether the e-mails have been rejec­ted and whether users have unsub­s­cri­bed from the list after recei­ving an e-mail.

Right to unsub­s­cribe

If you no longer wish to receive elec­tro­nic commu­ni­ca­ti­ons about photo muda­c’s acti­vi­ties, you can unsub­s­cribe at any time by using the dedi­ca­ted icon at the end of each newslet­ter or by sending us an e-mail.

Appli­ca­ble legis­la­tion and compe­tent courts

Swiss law is appli­ca­ble to this website. In the event of a dispute, the

Legal venue is lausanne, swit­zer­land.

Website manage­ment

The website is mana­ged by the mudac project team within the foun­da­tion Plate­fome 10.


Fonda­tion Plate­fome 10
Avenue Ruchon­net 1, 1003 Lausanne
+41 21 318 44 00

Derni­ère mise à jour : 01.01.2023